Documents in English
INSST publishes in Spanish documents (guides, posters, datebases, etc.) about occupational safety and health. Some of theses documents, full text or summaries, have been translated in English and are gathered in this section, from where can be downloaded.
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Spanish reports on OSH situation
Surveys on Working Conditions
Survey of national area that realizes from time to time the Institute with the aim to contribute statistical information about the conditions of work and health of the different groups of workers and the organization and preventive activity realized in the companies.The first edition was realized in 1987. From the VI th ENCT, realized in 2007, a cut takes place in the series due to a change in the used methodology. Available in the web from the third edition of 1997.
National Survey on Safety Management and Health enterprises management
- Conclusions from National Survey on Safety and Health enterprises management (ENGE 2009)
- Questionnaire from National Survey of Safety and Health enterprises management (ENGE 2009)
VI National Survey on Working Conditions
- Conclusions from VI National Survey on Working Conditions (ENCT 2007)
- For further information ... (in Spanish)
Technical posters and presentations
- Spanish market surveillance on PPE - CNMP experience 2016
- Towards a harmonized Risk Assessment and Safe Use of Plant Protection Products (PPP) in the Europe through standardisation
XXXV Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Simposio 2: Nanociencia y Materiales Moleculares (NMM) "Seguridad y salud en el trabajo con nanomateriales"celebrado en A Coruña.
- 3rd International Fresenius Conference "Worker, Operator, Bystander and Resident Exposure and Risk Assessment”, celebrada en Mainz, Germany. Author: Abril Muñoz, Isaac del CNMP-INSST Spain.
- Occupational health and safety in Spanish agriculture at "Musculoskeletal disorders Seminar" that was held in Maastricht, June 2012. Author: Delgado, Pedro del CNMP-INSST Spain.
- Field comparison of three inhalable aerosol samplers for welding fumes (IOM, PGP-GSP 3.5 and Button) at "7 th Intermational Symposium on Modern Principles of Air monitoring and Biomonitoring. AIRMON 2011" in Loen, Norway, June 2011. Authors: Agurtzane Zugasti, Natividad Montes, José M. Rojo and M. José Quintana del CNVM-INSST Spain
These posters were presented at "XIX Congreso Mundial sobre Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo", that was held in Istambul, Turkey - September, 2011. ILO, AISS and the Turkish Ministry of Labour organised this Congress.
- Seguimiento de la Seguridad y Salud en España: Observatorio de Condiciones de Trabajo Authors: Tejedor, M. and de la Orden, M. V. (INSST) Spain
- Sharing knowledge and experience for high-quality standards and innovation. Authors: Pilar Cáceres (INSST, Spain), Pirjo Irmeli Korhonen (FIOH, Finland), Rüdiger Reitz (DGUV, Germany)
- Comparative study of the adsorption performance of an active multi-sorbent bed tube (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and a Radiello® diffusive sampler for the analysis of VOCs (pdf, 224 Kbytes) Authors: E. Gallego, F.J. Roca, J.F. Perales, of LCMA-UPC, Spain; X. Guardino and M.G. Rosell of CNCT-INSST Spain.
- Analysis of VOC in a waste collection centre using multisorbent adsorption and gc/ms thermal desorption system (pdf, 39 Kbytes) Authors: Torrado, S. and Rosell, M. G. of CNCT-INSST and Gallego, E. of LCMA-UPC. Spain.
- Identification and quantification of VOC and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in operating theaters where electronic surgery devices where used . Authors: Torrado, S. and Rosell, M.G. of CNCT-INSST; Orriols, R. of SP Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge and Gallego, E. of LCMA-UPC. Spain.
"6th International NIR Workshop of ICNIRP", that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - October, 2008. Authors: Llorente, T and Diego, B.; CNNT-INSST.
- Occupational exposure to high frequency EMF in physiotherapy facilities. Part I: (preliminary study)
- Occupational exposure to high frequency EMF in physiotherapy facilities. Part II: (measurements and results)
- "Laboralia", Valencia, Spain Networking & Partnership in OHS. Author: Solé, M.D; CNCT-INSST